Invian Demo License offers a 15-day free demo period, no credit card and no contracts. This license comes with three plans which are applied according to the volume of inventory:
For inventory with less than 50 digital displays or less than 500 static displays
- ViiA Live
IP camera streaming - ViiA Health
IT resource monitoring - ViiA Task
Project manager through
work orders - ViiA POP
Image and video certifications,
by app and IP camera - MercaDOOH
Marketplace and e-commerce - RepOOHrt
Customer service center
for advertisers, with requests
and approvals
For inventory with less than 100 digital displays or less than 1000 static displays
- ViiA Smart Player
Content Management System (CMS) - ViiA Live
IP camera streaming - ViiA Health
IT resource monitoring - ViiA Task
Project manager through
work orders - ViiA POP
Image and video certifications,
by app and IP camera - MercaDOOH
Marketplace and e-commerce - RepOOHrt
Customer service center
for advertisers, with requests
and approvals
For inventory with more than 100 digital displays or more than 1000 static displays
- ViiA Smart Player
Content Management System (CMS)
and, in addition, programmatic sales - ViiA Live
IP camera streaming - ViiA Health
IT resource monitoring - ViiA Task
Project manager through
work orders - ViiA POP
Image and video certifications,
by app and IP camera - MercaDOOH
Marketplace and e-commerce - RepOOHrt
Customer service center
for advertisers, with requests
and approvals
Do you have any questions?
We’re here to help
Ask a question about Invian’s plans, implementation or any other topic. Our experts are ready to help you.